• It was a beautiful, sunny May day in 2021 when students from Matheny School of Peapack, NJ came to visit BabyLand at the farm. They had the pleasure of holding and bottle feeding the baby goats who were just a couple weeks of age. The teachers and bus driver had as much fun as the students!

  • A film crew from Columbia University came to Molasses Hill Farm to film some scenes for a short feature which was released in the summer of 2017. Twilight went into retirement shortly after the shoot.

    It was a night scene. The farm was lit up with special lighting. This photo is of Twilight at age 13; the look on her face indicates that she knows she is about to become a famous star (and that extra grain will be coming any second).

  • The green leaves are here, the green grass is growing, the sun is shining bright yellow…and, yes, baby goats have arrived!